Walking Meditation Guide

To know where we are going, we must know where we are.

Walking meditations are a good first step (pun intended) to start cultivating awareness of your body.

This guide is a quick introduction to a walking meditation. It can be used as an introduction to the practice or as a reference for a seasoned practitioner. To use the guide, read it through and bring it with you during your first few walks. You can then put it down and focus on fostering your awareness around your individual experience of walking. Reference it as often as you want as you practice.

Here we go.

Begin by standing in one spot, feet firmly on the ground, allowing your breath sense to come to you.

  • Bring your awareness to your feet.
  • Notice your feet making contact with the floor.
  • Notice which parts of your left/right foot are touching the floor and which parts are not.
  • Wiggle your toes and notice the texture of the floor.

Start walking slowly around the room, paying attention to each step.

  • Notice the temperature of the floor.
  • Notice what part of the foot touches the floor first, second, third.
  • Notice the pattern of contact and release of foot to floor.
  • Notice the sensations in each foot as it contacts and releases with the floor.
  • Notice the sensations in the ankle joint.
  • Notice the sensations in the knee joint.
  • Notice the sensations in the hip joint.

As you continue to walk, notice any feelings that come to you. Are you content? Are you bored? Are you irritated? Anxious? Are you peaceful? Let yourself be with whatever emotion comes. Continue to walk.

As you continue to walk, notice any thoughts that come to you. Let your thoughts come and go. Continue to walk.

Continue to walk for a period of time.

To complete your walk, pause and stand in one spot, feet firmly on the ground, allowing your breath sense to come to you.
Bring your awareness to your feet.
Notice your feet making contact with the floor.
Notice which parts of your left/right foot are touching the floor and which parts are not.
Wiggle your toes and notice the texture of the floor.

Slowly, begin to move out of your practice on your highly sensitized feet.

Take those highly sensitized feet out for a spin, and begin to notice what you are walking towards in your life and what you are walking away from.

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